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capacity noun the amount that something will hold. These jars have different capacities.
capital noun a city where a country has its government offices. Moscow is the capital of Russia.
capture verb to catch and hold on to someone or something.
car noun v1 a vehicle with wheels that is moved by an engine and used to carry people from place to place.
caravan noun a group of people or vehicles traveling together, often for safety when traveling across difficult or dangerous land.
cardboard noun a very strong, stiff type of paper used to make boxes.
care verb to be interested. I care about what you do.
career noun the jobs someone has during their working life, usually in the same occupation. She taught in three schools during her career.
careful adjective being aware of dangers or problems. Be careful when you cross the river.
cargo noun all the different goods that a ship or aircraft carries. A cargo of bananas.
carnival noun a special event with a street procession, music, and dancing.
carrot noun a hard, sweet-tasting root vegetable.
carry verb v1 to hold something while you move it somewhere.
carton noun a small cardboard container for holding liquid, food, or objects.
cartoon noun a funny drawing that makes people laugh.
cartridge noun a container of ink for use in a pen or computer printer.
carve verb to cut something into a shape.
case noun a container.
cast verb to choose someone for a part in a play or film. He was cast as the king.
castle noun a large house with high stone walls and strong defenses against attacking armies.
cat noun a mammal that is often kept as a pet. Cats eat small animals and are fierce hunters.
catalog noun a book that shows you the things you can buy from a shop or a company.
catch verb to get hold of something that is thrown to you.
caterpillar noun the larva of a butterfly or moth.
cattle noun cows, bulls, or oxen.
cauliflower noun a vegetable with a short stem and a hard center, made of small flowers.
caution noun attention to possible danger. Drive with caution.
ceiling noun the surface of a room that is above your head.
celebrate verb to do something enjoyable for a special reason. We had a party to celebrate my birthday.
cell noun a small room in a prison.