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cheer verb to shout out loudly and happily.
cheese noun a food made from the thickened parts of milk.
cheetah noun a spotted mammal that belongs to the cat family. Cheetahs live on the dry plains of Africa and prey on other animals. They are extremely fast runners.
chef noun a person whose job it is to cook and prepare food.
chemical noun any substance that can change when joined or mixed with another. Chemicals can be natural or manufactured.
cherish verb to love or value someone or something highly. She cherished her pet rabbit.
cherry noun a round, soft fruit with a small pit in its center.
chess noun a board game for two people. The winner is the person who takes the other player’s king.
chest noun the front of your body below your shoulders and above your stomach.
chew verb to use your teeth to break up food.
chick noun a young bird.
child noun a young person. A child legally becomes an adult at the age of 18.
chimney noun a pipe above a fire that takes smoke out of a building.
chimpanzee noun a mammal that lives in groups in forests in central Africa. Chimpanzees are related to the ape family. Their main diet is fruit and nuts, though sometimes they eat small animals.
chin noun the part of your face between your mouth and your neck.
china noun a type of delicate pottery made from fine, white clay.
chip noun a small piece of something that has broken off something larger. wood chips
chocolate noun a sweet food made from crushed and roasted cocoa beans, milk, and sugar.
choir noun a group of singers.
choke verb to stop or almost stop breathing. The firefighters almost choked in the dense smoke.
choose verb to decide that you want one thing and not another. I chose the blue pants, instead of the red ones.
chop verb v1 to cut up something with a sharp tool.
chopstick noun a thin piece of wood or plastic used in pairs for eating food.
chorus noun lines in a song that are repeated at the end of each verse.
Christian noun a person who believes in and follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and believes that Jesus is the son of God.
church noun a building where Christians hold religious services.
chute noun a sloping channel for sliding things down. Water chute.
cigarette a rolled-up piece of paper filled with tobacco that can be lit and smoked. Cigarettes can harm your heart and lungs.
cinder noun a small piece of partly burned wood or coal.
circle noun v1 a flat, exactly round shape.