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rumor noun a tale passed from one person to another about something that may not be true.
run verb v1 to move quickly on your legs.
runway noun a long, flat strip of ground with a hard surface from which aircraft take off and land.
rural adjective to do with the countryside or farms. A rural village.
rush verb v1 to hurry, or to do something quickly
rust noun the red-brown coating that forms on some metals when they get wet. The sickle was covered with rust.
rustle verb to make a soft, whispering sound. The leaves on the tree rustled in the wind.
rye noun a grass with light-brown grains, grown to make bread and food for cattle.
sail verb to travel across water in a ship or boat.
saliva noun the fluid that is produced in your mouth to help you to chew and digest food.
salmon noun a large, edible fish. Salmon hatch in rivers, but then swim to the sea to live. They swim back up rivers to lay their eggs.
sack noun a large, strong bag made of cloth, plastic, or paper that is used for carrying or storing things.
safari noun an expedition to hunt or observe wild animals, usually in Africa.
sail noun a piece of material attached to the mast of a boat or ship that catches the wind and helps to move the vessel along (see boat on page 31).
sacred adjective holy, or connected with the worship of God or gods. The Qur’an is the sacred book of Muslims.
safe adjective v1 protected from harm or danger Safe on dry land
salad noun a mixture of vegetables, fruit, or other foods, usually served cold.
salt noun a substance made of small, white crystals that we put on food in order to add flavor.
sad adjective not feeling happy.
safe noun v1 a lockable metal box that is used for storing money and valuable things.
salary noun an amount of money regularly paid to someone for work they have done. A monthly salary.
saddle noun a seat for a rider on a horse or a bicycle (see horse on page 102 and transportation on page 221).
sag verb to bend or sink, especially in the middle. The sofa sagged in the middle.
sale noun the act of offering something to be sold. The house is for sale
salute verb to give a sign of respect by raising the right hand to the forehead or by firing guns into the air.
same adjective v1 matching exactly. She was wearing the same dress as me
scrub verb to clean by rubbing hard. Scrubbing a rabbit hutch.
sample noun a small part of something that shows what the rest is like. The supermarket was giving away free samples of cheese.
sand noun very small grains of broken rock, found on beaches or in deserts.
sandal noun a shoe with a top made of straps, usually worn in warm weather.