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rode verb to ride
rodent noun a small, usually nocturnal mammal with long front teeth for gnawing food. Some rodents eat insects and plants, while others only eat plants. Rats, mice, and squirrels are rodents.
roll noun v1 paper, cloth, film, or other material that has been wound onto a tube. rolls of wrapping paper
roof noun v1 the outside covering on top of a vehicle or a building.
room noun v1 one of the separate areas inside a building. bathroom
roost verb to settle down for the night, usually done by birds.
root noun the part of a plant that usually grows underground. A plant’s roots supply it with water and minerals from the soil.
rope noun a strong, thick piece of twisted string or wire.
rose noun a plant with thorns along its stem and flowers with many petals.
rose verb to rise The Sun rose in the sky.
rot verb to go bad, or to weaken and break down.
rotate verb v1 to turn around a central point like a wheel does. The Earth rotates on its axis. jtoy,jtoy
rough adjective v1 uneven, or not smooth. A rough sea.
round adjective v1 shaped like a circle, with no corners.
route noun v1 the path you take to get from one place to another. We drew our route on the map in red.
routine noun a regular activity.
row noun v1 a line of several things next to each other.
row verb v1 to make a boat move forward by pulling it through the water with oars.
royal adjective to do with a king, queen, or members of his or her family
rub verb to press something backward and forward over the surface of something else. She rubbed her wet hair with a towel.
rubbish noun the things that people throw away because they no longer have use for them.
rude adjective speaking or behaving in a way that does not show respect.
rug noun a small carpet made of thick material. a cotton bath rug
rugged adjective having a rough, uneven surface A rugged landscape.
ruin noun the broken remains of a building.
ruin verb to spoil or damage something.
rule noun an instruction of what must or must not be done, for example, in a game.
rule verb to govern a country or a group of people.
ruler noun a straight piece of wood, metal, or plastic that is used for measuring and drawing straight lines.
rumble verb to make a long, low sound, like the noise thunder makes.