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rainfall noun v1 the amount of rain that falls over a particular area. The chart shows the annual rainfall in South America.
rain forest noun a dense, hot, wet jungle that grows in tropical areas.
rake verb to gather up leaves into a pile or to smooth over soil.
rally noun a large, public meeting held to discuss something that is important or worrying to people. The party held a political rally in the park.
ram noun a male sheep.
ran verb to run Last week, he ran
ranch noun a huge farm where cattle or other animals are reared.
rang verb to ring He rang the doorbell.
ranger noun a person who looks after a forest or a wildlife park.
rapid adjective v1 quick or swift.
rare adjective unusual or not common. A rare blue morpho butterfly.
rascal noun a mischievous person.
rash noun a patch of red, itchy spots on your skin.
raspberry noun a juicy, red fruit that grows on a bush with thorns.
rat noun a common rodent that looks like a large mouse. Some kinds of rat eat plants, while others eat small animals. They can gnaw through stone, wood, and even metal with their strong front teeth.
rate noun v1 a speed. Ostriches can run at a rate of 30 miles (50 km) per hour.
rather adverb fairly or quite. It was rather hot the other day.
ration noun a fixed amount of something that someone is allowed. Food rations.
raw adjective in its natural condition, not processed or cooked. raw carrot
ray noun a long, narrow beam of light, heat, or other powerful force.
razor noun a device with a blade that people use to shave.
reach verb to stretch out your hand and arm to touch something.
react verb to say or do something in response to an event. He reacted badly to the news.
read verb to look at and understand written words.
ready adjective prepared, or able to start.
real adjective actually existing, or genuine.
realize verb to become aware, or to understand completely. She did not realize the puddle was so deep.
really adverb very, or actually. The trip was really fun.
rear verb v1 to feed and care for young animals as they grow up. Our cat has reared 10 kittens.
rear noun v1 the back of something, or the part that is opposite or behind the front. The rear of a car.