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present verb to award or give something to someone. The judge presented the rider with a cup.
preserve verb to keep something the way it is.
press verb v1 to squeeze or push something down, often in order to flatten it. Pressing flowers.
pretend verb to try to make people believe something that isn’t true.
pretty adjective nice to look at.
shrill adjective making a sharp, high sound. A shrill whistle.
prevent verb to stop something from happening. The barrier prevented anyone from falling down the hole.
previous adjective v1 happening or existing before. The previous day.
prey noun creatures that are hunted and eaten by other animals. The owl swooped down on its prey.
price noun the amount of money needed to buy something.
prickly adjective having many little sharp points or needles. A prickly cactus.
priest noun a person who is trained to lead religious services.
prince / princess noun a son or daughter of a king or queen. The wife of a prince is also a princess.
principle noun a general rule, belief, or truth. Scientific principles.
print verb to write the letters of words separately, rather than with linked letters.
printer noun a machine that prints on paper, usually linked to a computer.
prison noun v1 a secure place in which criminals are kept as punishment.
private adjective belonging only to one person or a few people, or not open to the public. My diary is private.
prize noun a reward for winning something. The prize was a silver cup.
probable adjective likely to happen.
problem noun something that is difficult to do or hard to understand.
process noun the method of making or doing something.
procession noun a line of people or vehicles following each other A procession of musicians.
prod verb to poke or push something, often with something sharp.
produce verb to make something happen. The magician produced a rabbit out of his hat.
produce noun things that are grown or made. farm produce
profession noun a job or occupation where special knowledge of a subject is needed.
professional adjective having to do with a profession. He took professional advice.
profile noun the side view of a face or object.
profit noun the extra money made when something is sold for more than it cost to make or buy.