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nutrient noun a part of a food that gives living things what they need to be healthy or to grow.
oak noun a large deciduous tree that has fruit called acorns. Oak wood is often used for making furniture
oar noun a long pole with a wide, flat end used for rowing a boat.
oasis noun a place in the desert where there is water and where plants and trees can grow.
oats noun a type of cereal crop grown on farms. Oats are used to make food and to feed cattle, horses, and other animals.
obey verb to do something that someone tells or orders you to do. She taught the dog to obey her commands
object noun v1 anything you can see or touch that isn’t alive.
object verb v1 to dislike or disagree with something He objected to people dropping litter in the street.
oblong adjective longer than it is wide, with sides nearly parallel. An oblong box.
observatory noun a building from which people observe stars, the planets, and the weather, using powerful telescopes.
observe verb to watch something
obstacle noun a thing that blocks your way. He had to jump over 10 obstacles to win the race.
obstinate adjective difficult to persuade. He was very obstinate and refused to pick up his room.
obstruct verb v1 to block or to prevent something or someone from passing. She obstructed his path
obvious adjective easy to see or understand.
occasion noun a special event. The park opening was a grand occasion
occupation noun the work that someone does to earn a living
occupy verb v1 to be busy. I was occupied with my book when the doorbell rang.
occur verb to happen or exist When did the problem occur?
ocean noun a very large area of sea, usually separating continents.
octagon noun a flat shape with eight straight sides
octopus noun a sea animal that does not have a backbone e. Octopuses have eight arms, which they use for catching crabs, shellfish, and fish. They have good eyesight and are thought to have the ability to learn things.
odd adjective strange or unusual. That’s a very odd thing to do!
odor noun a strong smell There was a strange odor coming from the garbage.
offend verb to upset or annoy someone
offer verb to ask someone if they would like something, or if you can do something for them He offered her some grapes
office noun a place where people organize and run a business
official adjective properly approved by someone in charge.
often adverb v1 many times I often go to school by bus.
oil noun a thick liquid that occurs naturally underground. Oil is used to make products such as fuel and plastics