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lighthouse a tall tower with a bright, flashing light that guides or warns ships around dangerous areas of coast
lightning a flash of light in the sky during a thunderstorm.
like verb v1 to think that someone or something is pleasant.
like v1 similar to He looks like his brother.
lily a tall plant that grows from a bulb, with large, trumpet-shaped blooms.
lime a juicy fruit with a sour flavor, similar to that of a lemon.
limit v1 the point where something ends The limits of the town
limp verb to walk with difficulty because your leg or your foot is injured or stiff. The dog limped because it had a thorn in its paw.
limp not stiff. A limp flag
line v1 a piece of rope or thread A fishing line
liner a large passenger ship.
link one of the individual sections that make up a chain.
male v1 belonging to the sex that can be a father, but cannot give birth to babies or produce eggs or seeds
lion a large mammal that is found in Africa and India Lions belong to the cat family. They live together in groups called prides. The females, called lionesses, hunt at night for large animals such as antelope and zebra.
lip one of the two soft, pink edges of your mouth.
list v1 the names of several people or things written in columns. A shopping list.
listen verb to hear and pay attention to something, such as music.
lit verb v1 to light They lit a fire last night.
literature novels, plays, poems, and other written material.
litter garbage left lying around.
little v1 small in size.
live verb to be alive. He lived to an old age.
live having life A live snake.
liver an organ in the body that cleans the blood and helps to digest food.
living the way a person lives or earns money. He earns his living as a chef
lizard a reptile with scales s. Most types of lizard have four legs and a long tail. Many lizards live in warm regions and eat insects.
load v1 an amount of something that is carried. A load of gravel.
load verb v1 to put things into a vehicle Loading the ship with cargo.
loaf a lump of bread baked as one piece that can be cut into slices.
lobster a large shellfish that lives in the sea and has five pairs of legs One pair of legs are claws, which lobsters use for cutting up dead fish and crushing shellfish to eat.